Seattle Public Schools

Safety and Security


Safety and Security Frequently Asked Questions

What is required for schools on emergency preparation?

In the event of either a natural disaster or human-caused incident, it is the responsibility of the district, 个别学校/网站提供应急组织和资源,以尽量减少学生, staff, and school community loss of life, protect school district property, continue essential functions, and return to the business of education in a timely manner.

Policy 3432 指导所有学校制定全面的灾害应急管理计划. 每年秋天,校长有责任向学区安全和安保办公室提交一份校园紧急管理计划文件. This includes plans for student/family reunification, 紧急情况下工作人员的任务和职责清单, location of disaster supplies, verification of principal’s completion of FEMA training, and more.

所有学校都必须遵守RCW 28A的应急演习要求.320.125,其中包括每月一次紧急演习,学校包括暑期学校; Visit the Washington State Legislature website for info about RCW 28A.320.125.

Emergency Drills Include:

  • Shelter-in-Place
  • Lockdown
  • Evacuation
  • Earthquake
  • Reverse Evacuation 

How does the district handle threats of violence?

All lethal or potentially lethal statements whether verbal, written, including electronic are to be taken seriously and investigated. 校园内的炸弹威胁或武器被认为是暴力威胁. 请立即致电206-252-0707通知安全办公室. 如果学生有武器或威胁迫在眉睫,请报警(911).

How do I contact Safety and Security?

安全保障部一年365天每天24小时都有工作人员. For urgent issues contact the office by telephone at 206-252-0707.

How can I get additional emergency resources for my school?

学校家长协会可以申请邻里配合基金部为他们的学校购买应急物资. 这个竞争性奖助金的一个条件是“项目”必须有益于社区, and involve the community in carrying it out. Also, the Matching Funds must be match $1 to $1, in the form of cash, donated services, donated materials, and/or volunteer hours.

家长协会通过赞助社区聚会来学习应急准备,满足了这些条件, 由专门从事应急准备工作的专业人员(如.g., Red Cross). 参加会议的人员和执行项目的人员所投入的时间计入所需的匹配.



 正规的棋牌平台排行榜(SPS)安全部门通过监控西雅图警察局(SPD)和西雅图消防局(SFD)的无线电频道,与西雅图警察局(SPD)和其他急救人员进行互动, 拥有专用的911调度电话线,并对来自地区电话(手机除外)的911呼叫进行软件监控, 使用Safepointe平台对警察和消防反应进行软件监控, 与社民党协调通过环境设计预防犯罪(CPTED), 在行动报告之后,SPS工作人员与SPD定期出席社区会议.

When are parents notified about a school emergency?

当学校发生影响学校社区的重大事件时, parental notification is provided as soon as possible. 有时情况是动态的,涉及多个机构, 因此,沟通是通过“领导机构”协调的,这可能会导致通知延迟.

我们的目标是确保家庭了解发生了什么,以及他们如何帮助他们的学生应对并从这种情况中学习. In each message, 这些学校将在学生隐私法允许的范围内提供尽可能多的信息,这些信息已被确立为“事实”,而不是“谣言”.”

If there is an incident in my school building, what should I do?

If a major critical incident happens at a school, 该地区将与家庭沟通正在发生的事情和接下来的步骤. 请关注学校通讯、社交媒体、学区网页和当地媒体.

Because the school is responding to the emergency, 学校的电话经常无法接听,因为他们的首要任务是学生的安全. On occasion, 学生可能会被安置在“避难所”或“封锁”中,家长需要准备好等待,直到消防或警察部门确定我们可以释放学生,才能与学生团聚.

In that case, 该地区将建立一个家庭团聚地点,并与家庭沟通地点. 欢迎家属在此等候,直到学生获释.


Anyone can request a security report in accordance with Policy 4040 and Superintendent Procedure 4040SP. Visit our public records request webpage for more information.

When are schools supposed to call 911?

All SPS staff are authorized to call 911 in the event of any emergency. e.g. reporting of a crime, vehicle accident, medical emergency etc.

When and who may change schools school hours?

由于天气恶劣,学校可能需要更改上课时间, prolonged power outages, or other emergencies. 在每种情况下,家长都会根据学区和学校的通信协议得到通知. Only the Superintendent or their designee can change school hours.

Inclement Weather : In Seattle, snow storms may cause a change in school hours. Because the district is large, snow may not be widespread, but may be significant in regions or at higher elevations.

更改上课时间是全区的活动,因此学校延误或每日关闭是全区批准的, not on a school by school basis. 请关注地区网站和当地媒体有关这些变化. Please see the district’s Snow Plan at for further information.

Prolonged Power Outages : Intermittent power outages can last from minutes to days, but most frequently are less than 2 hours. 学校准备支持他们的学生,尽管每天的课程计划可能需要改变, education continues as much as possible.

If City Light advises us that the power outage will be prolonged, 然后家长将被通知,学生可能被提前释放或学校可能被取消一天. As a general rule, 如果公共汽车已经开始在早上接学生或学校已经开始, schools will not be released until after 10am.

Other school emergencies : Other emergencies, such as a bomb threat, communicable disease outbreak, or earthquake may also cause a change in school hours.

The district works with our city’s Emergency Operation Center, public health department, police and fire to determine our response.

What do I do if I see or hear of a threat after school hours?


If you see or hear something, say something.


SPS Security and, if required, 社民党将决定行动方针和下一步措施,以维持一个安全可靠的学校环境.